Monday, April 30, 2012


Finals week is never a fun moment because we, athletes, usually scramble to try to make that 89.85 an A before it's too late. Stress is at its max and rowing is still fully present, but this year it made its mark. The MAAC conference championships were this last Saturday, which made us travel on Friday; this wasn't as fun as it sounds.

Mercer lake hosted us well with cold and windy conditions for the month of April. The V8 went out first and won by a bit of open water to take away what Marist was known as "V8 of the Year" the night before. The 2V8 also won with ease. The Frosh 8 finished 2nd after a strong comeback from a few technical problems half way through the race. We then proceeded to sweep the 4's all with open water.
Having the most points all regatta, we thought we would be conference champions but of course a few technicalities were overlooked and we proceeded to finish second. Yes we are all a little bitter but we know that performance was what mattered and we did just that.
With a long Sunday full of traveling and making it back into my bad at 1:30 a.m., we started a brand new week with a few more exams. The rest of the week will be practiced at JU until we ride up to New Jersey for a few training days as Dad Vails approaches.
This year is looking extremely close and fast. With new results coming out from this weekend such as Drexel beating Temple, Michigan making a late comeback over Grand Valley, and FIT racing big sprint schools, the regatta seems to be loaded with speed.

Starting to sweat!


  1. HI Scott, I run the blog. We are looking for someone to write a blog post explaining the different US School rowing competitions, the groups and which school is in which group and why.
    Would you be interested?

    Thanks Rebecca Caroe

    1. Yes, this would be awesome. Please email me more at
