Saturday, May 4, 2013

Last Ones Standing

It's been a while since I have written about how the our crew and I have been doing so I'll play catch up for a second. We have been racing three main boats: V8, F8, and V4. We had different boats and line-ups throughout the beginning of the year until spring break where everyone was placed into seats that mirrored their racing. At FIRA, we all mostly won our events making it our 8th consecutive title win. At SIRA, the V8 and F8 finished 5th while the V4 won their B final, barely missing out the A final the day before. At MAAC,  every boat won their event.
We are now coming up to the last week of training until Dad Vails. We have been putting in a lot of solid meters, not always done to our liking, but good boat speed has been found. The frosh have been pushing back making it a lot better for our training instead of training by ourselves. The four has been showing a lot of good speed and it should be interesting to see how they stack up against the 30+ crews next week. The weather in Jax has been crap but we've been dealing with it well, knowing that there is always a good chance we could run into it in Philly. But seriously, it has been raining for 4 straight days now, WHAT THE HELL!? Today was our last practice on the St. Johns as the seniors put in their last last strokes in, and hours at JU by attending their graduation ceremony. By tomorrow morning, we will all be on the road up to New Jersey where we have our pre-race tune up sessions on Lake Lenape. Usually the wind isn't always our friend there, but it is quiet and a good spot for our last few strokes. I'm not going to lie, this has definitely been the most intimidating season so far since FIT has reached new boundaries of speed, as well as UVA and Drexel making as much noise in the community. But if it wasn't hard to get to the podium and final, then no one would even bother. There are going to be a lot of fast crews who might be all in the same minuscules seconds so these next few days will be crucial to make sure we stay ahead of them. There are other plans for the future but that will be spoken on a later post. 

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