Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The garnish and stuffing is over but the festivities aren't. I fell like I'm in a bitter-sweet position at the moment for a few reasons. First, we are half way through the break, meaning that it's almost over; that's good and bad. Second, training still continues to increase in difficulty due to lack of motivation and a well known word in the rowing community: camaraderie. I do believe though, that during breaks like these, the best best strategy is to take it day by day so you can enjoy the people around you and the relaxed ambiance of your home.

Even though training on your own has its downs, it also has its ups. Today, which was a rainy day, made me want to stay home instead of hitting the gym and looking like I have no idea what I'm doing on the ergo. Side statement to this is, WE ARE THE 1%!....that know how to use one. Anyways, back to what I was saying. A few days ago, I stole an ergo from a friend and it has been sitting in the living room, so I brought it out to the open garage and set myself up for a little ergo movie sesh. But I didn't play just any movie, it was Salt. The reason is, I didn't feel like dragging my now-sore-ass around for 20k at a 2:05 average. I wanted some action, and I did for 1 hour and 18 minutes. I am pretty content with today's workout because I wanted to keep my heart rate up for a good amount of time so I shifted from the 145-150 area to the 160-170 area on the last 8 kilometers. Here is what my interior designing looks like:

And here is a little dedication for my favorite supporters and fans Jessica MELLINGER and Abby SE...ahh no one cares how it's spelled. I use these as pure motivation.

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